Brooke Hardy
Brooke Hardy Art
My name is Brooke Hardy and I originally come from Ontario. I moved to Newfoundland
in awe of its beauty and the way the energy of this land made me feel. Living in Newfoundland grounded me more deeply into myself and my artwork. I have been creating art since I was very young. I discovered art to be a profound expression of self,
a sanctuary where I feel deeply connected and find peace. I believe art has the ability to remind us of the light we have within ourselves, and it has healed me in so many ways and is constantly helping me navigate this life. I am incredibly inspired by the vibrant colours and enchanting landscapes of nature and like to infuse my artwork with light and a sense of soulfulness. My paintings depict imagined worlds inspired by real places, weaving together fantasy and reality. My ultimate goal is to share the joy, freedom and magic
I experience through art with many audiences, enriching lives and sparking a sense of wonder in all who encounter my work. And maybe awaken something inside that was lost or just put away for a little while.